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Episode 12
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #1: 7th Dec 2018 12:45:34 AM 

I voted out one of my closest friends. No one expected me to. It worked out better than I could have anticipated I think. And I hope I won't be changing that mindset in the near future.

This game is just starting. This round was a complete shot in the dark, and I somehow didn't wind up with any fatal wounds. I'm not out of this and I'm gonna keep working my hardest to swoon these people with my boyish charm and hopefully, I'll be sitting at that FTC.
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #2: 7th Dec 2018 1:29:21 AM 
I'm also super sorry for not confessing in the later part of the day today. I actually started typing something up at work, but things got busy.

My mind was so back and forth and it was a last minute decision, so I hope I explained myself a bit here.

Sometimes it is hard for me to do all the strategozing necessary AND update. This round, I had minimal time to make calls, so I made the most of them. Meant I couldn't confess.

I'm nervous now because I am having to leave a day sooner than I anticipated because of weather. So, I'll be hitting the road Saturday and should be home in Colorado on Sunday or Monday. At that point, I'll probably be doing a lot from my phone.

The later part of the game might be harder for that reason, but I'm gonna make it work.
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #3: 7th Dec 2018 11:23:22 PM 
I probably could have done that challenge for quite a few more hours, but I start driving to Colorado tomorrow because we're about to get hit by a massive snow storm. So, I'm not going to put my actual life at risk even though I'm on the chopping block in this game.

If I go out here, I will feel it's completely circumstantial and on any other night where I didn't have to drive the next morning, I could have gone for a while and done very well.

I have to pack and plan. Will try to update when I can, but I believe Sarena will be the target of the other side. So, I'm either gonna get Matt to flip, or I'm going to lose Sarena and will have to trust Danny to work with me next round.

We will see what happens.
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #4: 8th Dec 2018 7:31:12 PM 

Trying to post a video. I don't think this link will work, so if one of you could edit the link for me, that would be swell!
Jayden Osborne
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Post #5: 8th Dec 2018 8:06:12 PM 
Edited :)
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #6: 8th Dec 2018 10:19:21 PM 
Thank you!
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #7: 9th Dec 2018 9:53:20 AM 
Was on call with Jess for a very long time last night. Basically the whole conversation was me trying to be convincing that nothing was happening this round.

It is risky to vote Jess in case nothing happens because then she will get dying wish and a ticket to final 4.

Im thinking the best vote here is Lexi in the off chance Jess plays the idol. I can't imagine she plays it on Lexi if she does. It wouldn't seem right.

I loosely made a deal with Jess about working together next round. She has to know that if she goes to 4 with Matt/Danny/Lexi that she will have to win the last 2 immunity challenges in order to get to the end. I've told her many times I don't mind going close to the end with her. I think she has a better shot with me.

I think I did a good job at being convincing to Jess...if we pull off this blindside, it would be so awesome! I'd be back in this game. But if we miss, I'm in for a world of hurt.
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #8: 9th Dec 2018 8:29:06 PM 
No reason Matt would be playing us here. Unless he really just wants to make sure we don't give Dying Wish to each other. But these are great lengths to go just for something that wouldn't really matter next round.

Also, I'd have such a hard time having Sarena or Chris throw their votes in the chance they aren't being totally honest about the vote and we accidentally send one of us home.

At this rate, if we give Lexi dying wish, it is what it is. But if Matt IS lying, this is not a good look or a good move for him.

I feel relatively comfortable that I'm not going home here. But that idol could do all sorts of things here. I don't want to assume I'll be ok
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #9: 9th Dec 2018 11:59:53 PM 
I'm so happy. My first time getting my way at tribal.

Should have gone for Jess! I want that damn idol out of here.

I'll confess more later when I'm not driving, but I feel like every round from here on out will be an uphill battle for me and I'm nervous about it. But I feel like I have very strong relationships. But I can't expect anyone to just let me get to the end without barriers just like I'd hope people wouldn't do that for Jess.

I just want the stress to chill for a round. But every round will be high pressure.

But I said I would fight until the end and that's what I will do.
Bryce Fosdick
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Post #10: 10th Dec 2018 1:20:54 AM 
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