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Episode 6 - Train Rides & Changing Tides
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Post #1: 20th May 2015 6:22:36 PM 
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Sierra Leone: 2nd Place
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Post #2: 20th May 2015 7:01:42 PM 
I worry about you sometimes Stephen...
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Post #3: 20th May 2015 7:48:51 PM 
6.1 - Dr. Delicious
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Post #4: 20th May 2015 7:49:13 PM 
Georgina @ 20/5/2015 19:01
I worry about you sometimes Stephen...

Wait until next confessional, then help me seek help. I may need it.
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Post #5: 20th May 2015 8:16:50 PM 
[7:08:23 PM] Kim the White Queen: Kick ass Stephen!!!
[7:08:32 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: Dr. Delicious*
[7:11:36 PM] Roob Hare in Wonderland: Kick asss Dr. Delicious!!!
[7:12:06 PM] Bryce333: Dr. Delicious is scaring me
[7:12:36 PM] Ashlee Smith: Dr Delicious is certifiable
[7:14:19 PM] Roob Hare in Wonderland: ^now that is scary

6.2 - Jacob Harpel, Jacob Harpel, Yummy Foods, Yummy Foods (Dr. Delicious Is Born)

I swear I'm not clinically insane, okay? I spent a night with Samm, Ashlee, and Jamie. I was actually normal.
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Post #6: 20th May 2015 8:55:07 PM 
You have got this.
[8:17:02 PM] Dead Roob: I'm going guns blazing man! Anthony is done bro!!!!
[8:23:22 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy-1mxqXOZo
[8:43:09 PM] Dead Roob: lmao oh my god dude
[8:43:11 PM] Dead Roob: love this!!!
[8:43:59 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: I hope it doesn't come to a tiebreaker
[8:44:01 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: because I swear
[8:44:06 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: dr. delicious scares the fuck out of me
[8:44:59 PM] Dead Roob: dr. delicious is a badass
[8:45:09 PM] Dead Roob: but not only did you kick Jacob's ass man
[8:45:28 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: I legit destroyed him I think
[8:45:30 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: I don't know I was too focused
[8:45:31 PM] Dead Roob: you seriously motivated the entire tribe! seriously man, I owe you so much. Like you really motivated me man and it means a lot
[8:45:39 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: We NEED to win.
[8:45:45 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: I'm not going to let us lose.
[8:45:49 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: and if I motivated you I appreciate it.
[8:45:58 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: I'll be 100% with you
[8:46:05 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: on day 1 I was here to win this game
[8:46:18 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: on day 17 I'm here to keep the people who I love in this game for as long as I can
[8:46:24 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: and I love the 9 of us.
[8:46:33 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: when I met you, when I met everyone
[8:46:35 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: my mind shifted
[8:46:37 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: this became less of a game
[8:46:39 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: and more of a war for me
[8:46:44 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: Gwale vs Malaita, just like real life.
[8:47:01 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: to protect the people I care for, and to keep us around for as long as possible.
[8:47:01 PM] Dead Roob: I 100% agree bro! Like I can honestly say that you pretty much changed my ENTIRE GAME lol
[8:47:09 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: How so? I appreciate that.
[8:48:18 PM] Dead Roob: meeting you and seeing how much fun you have and how passionate you are motivates me to be the best I can possibly! For the tribe! I can care less about winning this game tbh, for me it's all about playing and having a good time with you, molly, and the others
[8:48:28 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: Exactly.
[8:49:01 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: and I'll be damned if I let up for a second to cause us to lose. When I was on the train ride back today I thought of how I could forget about what I was drinking and just have fun with the challenge
[8:49:14 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: Kim's warpaint suggestion floated in my mind, and then the pieces just came together and Dr. Delicious was born
[8:49:31 PM] Dead Roob: I came into the game as a player, but legit I'm now more of someone who just wants to have a good time with the people I enjoy talking to and messing with and having fun! You guys are seriously the coolest bunch of people I've ever met and dude I love chillin with you man
[8:49:43 PM] Dead Roob: seriously if you weren't all the way in Canada I would say let's hang out lmao
[8:49:59 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: Dude, one day man.
[8:50:01 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: One day.
[8:50:04 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: Gwale strong, for life.
[8:50:36 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: We have tons of time to meet up. and no matter what happens in this game I have your back in everything in life man. It's been a hell of a journey
[8:50:40 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: but we're not fucking done yet.
[8:50:49 PM] Stephen The Mad Hatter: not you, not me, not Jess. Not this week.

There's moments in this game that I can't explain. This is one of these times. I'm flattered, I'm honoured, I'm humbled, and I'm thankful all at once. Gwale is legitimately a family to me. This is a game about winning, and as much as I'd love to win, I'm also about keeping the family together. There'll come a time where the numbers dwindle, if I'm around to see that is unknown, but no matter what--in this game--I'm 100% #GwaleStrong. Bleed. Fucking. Green.
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Post #7: 22nd May 2015 1:39:54 AM 
6.3 - The Yankees
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Post #8: 23rd May 2015 6:55:44 PM 
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Post #9: 23rd May 2015 8:51:24 PM 
6.4 - I Choo Choo Choose You, Kim!
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Post #10: 24th May 2015 2:26:49 AM 
6.5 - Let's Get Ready To Rumble!
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Post #11: 24th May 2015 2:30:43 AM 
6.6 - The Peace Corps
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Post #12: 24th May 2015 2:32:54 AM 
6.7 - I'm Tyrion, You're Tywin
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Post #13: 24th May 2015 2:34:13 AM 
6.8 - The Buffer (RJ, Molly, Tyler)
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Post #14: 24th May 2015 2:35:44 AM 
6.9 - ...and I fucking hate eggs
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Post #15: 24th May 2015 2:39:26 AM 
6.10 - Sippin Pina Coladas In Puerto Rico, Sittin' on a Couch In Canada
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