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Sam Loveridge
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Post #1: 8th Oct 2020 6:51:02 PM 
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Come on in guys!

First thing's first, the sitouts:

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Second thing's second: two tribes going to tribal council folks. Two immunities are up for grabs!

Original to last season, we come to you live with Stephen's original challenge from last season, also this is his write up that I'm barely re-reading since he said it's alright to post again! It's time to take part in a challenge that will probably be new to most, familiar to some, and hopefully fun for all. You will be playing my favourite game, Mysterium, for immunity and the bragging rights of calling yourself one of the last 21 remaining in Endure 10! How fun! Here's how it's all going to go down:

In treemail last night -- in typical Endure fashion -- you were asked to delegate amongst yourselves to find someone who is the best communicator. This person will have a big role in this challenge operating as the 'ghost'. The other four tribe members will be the 'mediums'.

Your objective as a tribe will be to solve a spo0o0o0ky murder mystery. There are four potential scenarios that the murder mystery could have played out. Each scenario has three specific traits associated to it:

- 1. A murder suspect
- 2. A location
- 3. An object

As a tribe, you will have seven rounds to narrow down your crime scenes. If you succeed, you will then have an opportunity to avenge the deceased's death once and for all!

To solve the murder mystery, the challenge will take part in two phases:

Phase 1

The four mediums will have to solve their unique murder mystery storyline by identifying their unique murder suspect, location, and object. If all four mediums complete phase 1 of the challenge, they will move onto phase 2.

How do you solve your specific murder mystery scenario? That's where the ghost comes in. Your tribe member who will be acting as the ghost will not be allowed any verbal or non-verbal communication with you. They will be whisked away into a separate call and be unable to communicate with you whatsoever except through vision cards. Here are some examples of vision cards:

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Vision cards are often vague, random, and non-descriptive. However traits on these cards may match specific features or characteristics of your suspect, location, and object. To complete phase 1 of this challenge, you will need a good ghost who is observant of the details you pick up from your vision cards and is able to give you the right visual aids to help you complete your murder mystery scenario.

The Ghost will be identified from the start of the game of the four unique scenarios. Each round, the ghost will be given seven unique cards each round to choose from. The ghost must select one of the seven cards to give to each of the four mediums within a five minute timeframe. The cards that are not used will be discarded and seven new cards will be given to the ghost to choose from each round. The ghost also has the option of using three 'crows' -- the crow allows them to discard all cards in their hand and be distributed all new cards. The crow can be used in phase 1 and phase 2 and more than one crow can be used per round. Each tribe will be delivered the same sequence of cards so there is no variation between the order of cards received for each tribe. The card represents the best vision card available to give you to aid you in solving your muder mystery at whichever stage you are on. A ghost must give one card to each medium who has not completed phase 1 each round.

The Mediums must solve their murder mystery in the sequence: murder suspect, location, object. In Round 1, you will make your first guess as to who you believe your specific murder suspect is. If you are correct, the following round you will begin to guess which location the murder took place. If you are wrong, you will stay on the murder suspect stage and guess every round until you get it right. The mediums will be given six minutes per round to look at the cards distributed and collaborate together to make their initial guesses of who their murder suspect is; all mediums will be allowed to see each other's cards and are able to talk freely amongst themselves. There will be seven potential murder suspects, locations, and objects to choose from. If a medium is wrong, they will be notified they are wrong and will not advance. If they are correct, they will advance to solve the next trait of their murder mystery. Once a medium has solved a trait, all cards distributed to them will be discarded and cards delivered to them by the ghost henceforth will help them determine the current trait they are on. All mediums can collaborate together regardless of what trait they are on. Mediums are allowed to place their guess on the same trait: for example -- if one of the objects is a fork and two people believe their specific object is a fork, they are able to both guess fork in the same round. All mediums must solve their unique scenarios within the seven rounds to make it to Phase 2.

The game gets slightly more complex, however. While also trying to solve your own murder mystery, you are trying to accumulate as much knowledge as possible to identify the one true murder mystery scenario in phase 2. Mysterium has a game board that looks like this:

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Mediums will each be scored using the game tracker above, with the ultimate objective to progress to or past '7' on the game tracker. By passing 7, each of you will have better odds of completing Phase 2 of the challenge. You can advance on the game board in one of two ways:

One: If a medium completes their murder mystery scenario with rounds remaining, the number of rounds remaining will be added to their game tracker score. For example, if you solved your suspect, location, and object by the end of round 4 -- there are three rounds left in the game. Therefore, you would advance three on the game tracker.

Two: You are afforded to bet on the success or failure of predicting correctly each round. You will each have four tokens: two with a checkmark and two crossed out. They will look like this:
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If your checkmark token is placed on a correct guess, you will advance 1 space on the game tracker. If your cross out token is placed on an incorrect guess, you will advance 1 space on the game tracker. You are permitted to use as many tokens as you wish per round on whatever guess is made except your own. You can only use one token per medium on the game board -- you cannot put two bets on one guess. Before a round has ended and information has been revealed, you can add or remove your tokens. Once a token is played it cannot be replayed. Tokens will replenish in full at the beginning of Round 5 regardless of whether all tokens were played in rounds prior. You cannot stockpile tokens. If initial tokens are not used by Round 5, they will be discarded.

As aforementioned, if all mediums solve their scenarios by the end of Round 7, Phase 2 of the game will commence.

Phase 2
In the second phase, all four unique murder mystery scenarios will be represented in full. At this point, the ghost will be informed of the one correct murder mystery path. The ghost will communicate with all mediums using only three cards in the same fashion they did in Phase 1. The ghost will be dealt a new hand of 10 different cards to choose from, from a completely independent deck from phase 1. to select the three cards from. The ghost will select one card to represent the murderer, one card to represent the location, and one card to represent the object. T They will be given five minutes to do so. As a reminder, crows can be used in Phase 2 if there are some remaining.

These cards are relayed to the mediums the correct murder mystery. The three cards will then be shuffled randomly and designated a number 1, 2, and 3. Mediums will not be able to communicate with each other and will sit with their hands visible at all times and in silence.

Card #1 will be revealed. Any medium that scores 0-4 on the game tracker will then have to make their guess as to what the true murder mystery is in DMs.
Card #2 will then be revealed. Any medium that scores 5-6 on the game tracker will then have to make their guess as to what the true murder mystery is in DMs.
Card #3 will then be revealed. Any medium that scores 7 or higher on the game tracker will then have to make their guess as to what the true murder mystery is in DMs.

Each medium will have two minutes to make their guess.

The final guess is determined by majority vote. If there is a tie between guesses, the tie will be broken by prioritizing the guess of the person who finished their murder mystery scenario first in phase 1. If the final guess is correct -- congratulations! You have solved the murder mystery. If your final guess is incorrect -- you have unfortunately failed.

Placement in this challenge will be determined by a hierarchical system which is determinant on how far you make it within the game. Tiebreakers (i.e. two teams finish on the same stage) will be broken by priority of completion of game tasks. The following is the breakdown of priority when determining tiebreakers and scoring metrics:

- Completing Phase 2
-- Failing Phase 2
--- # of Rounds to Complete Phase 1
---- Lowest cumulative number of rounds to Complete Phase 1 (i.e. Medium #1 finishes in 3, Medium #2 finishes in 5, Medium #3 finishes in 5, Medium #4 finishes in 7: 3+5+5+7 = 20.)
---- Highest cumulative score of mediums if failed phase 1 (4 for completion, 3 for getting to object stage, 2 for getting to location stage, 1 for remaining on murderer stage)
----- Overall challenge time (time will only be counted for the ghost and mediums completing their rounds, not set-up time in between rounds)

I highly suggest to not make time efficiency your top priority in this challenge as it will be used as the lowest possible tiebreaker. Instead, focus on communicating and discussing visions and helping one another solve your specific cases with the visions distributed.

I understand that this is a dense writeup; however I will offer two resources to aid you. First is YouTubing playthroughs of Mysterium (although minor rules have been tweaked slightly to fit this challenge format, almost all of the game is true to the board game). The second resource is if a tribe would like a walkthrough we will be offering a brief one (two rounds of Phase 1, and an example of Phase 2) before the official challenge begins to give you the opportunity to ask questions and familiarize yourself further.

All tribes are to schedule a time with production accordingly to have the challenge completed by ideally 11 PM EST on Friday, October 9th.

We can only host one section at a time, so we're hoping to do two tonight, two tomorrow.

Any questions? Feel free to contact a member of production! Addendums will be added for clarification if necessary since this is a new challenge writeup.

Good luck!

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